Friday, January 2, 2015

Long-life Friendship

Before end of 2014, I flew to KL to meet my old best friends for short gathering.

That was a wonderful gathering, although we do not see each other often but our friendship knot still tie tightly.

Words from the bottom of my heart:

I am very lucky to have you guys as my long-life friends, always support me when I have to make tough decisions and always forgive me whenever I have hurt your feelings or sometimes my words have brought you down.

Thank you so much for making my life completely, brightly, colourful and fruitful.

See you guys again in Nibong Tebal when CNY.

Happy New Year and may you guys have all dreams come true!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

再見 保重

曾經想過 不要再因爲要囘工作崗位
而向媽媽說 再見 保重
這兩個詞 太沉重了
再見保重 真的是一個很傷感的詞

給自己兩年的時間 能存多少就多少
回檳城 開創我自己要的小本生意
囘檳城 回到媽媽的身邊

雖然馬來西亞的狀況 不是很好
雖然檳城的狀況 只是有點好轉
雖然朋友都不贊成 我囘檳城
雖然我自己覺得囘檳城 不一定是好事

說真的 我並不要求大富大貴 家財萬貫
只要能讓我陪在媽媽的身邊 陪她一起走完她剩下的人生

三年前 父親過世時
當時我在工作 因爲如我立即回家的話
這樣 我錯失了對父親說再見

雖然 不希望那一天的到來
縂有一天 還是得面對 再見還是得說

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Craziest Year 2011!!!

  1. 2XU Compression Run (12km) - 10th April
  2. Newton Singapore Night Trail (12km) - 30th April
  3. Passion Run (25km) - 21st May
  4. Sundown Marathon (21km) - 28th May
  5. KL Standard Chartered Marathon (21km) - 26th June
  6. Mizuno Mt Faber Run (10km) - TBC
  7. Adidas King of The Road - TBC
  8. Safra Singapore Bay Run (21km) - TBC
  9. Yellow Ribbon Run (10km) - TBC
  10. New Balance Real Run (15km) - 16th October
  11. Mizuno Wave Run (10km) - TBC
  12. Penang Bridge International Marathon (21km) - 20th November
  13. Singapore Standard Chartered Marathon (21km) - 4th December

哇!這13項,總共有超過200KM!!!我做得到嗎?呵呵呵 相信自己 挑戰自己 超越自己 最後是



2011 Welcomes You!!!

2011, a new year. Welcome!!!

I think I have no much expectation in year 2011 and so, my feeling was so flat. When I saw FB friends’ resolutions, and there are almost the same: go ahead and leave the past behind. Is it very easy to do that? I don’t know.

2011, my new year, my new job. I back to accounting field again after 3 years in pastry line and again, everyone likes to ask why like that? Don’t you think it is waste if you give up pastry since you already have pastry working experiences and yet you did attend the course for 1 year?

For me, whether is it a waste or give up or whatever. Pastry is my interest and my future career. Accounting is my JOB and Pastry is my CAREER. My 3 year working experiences will help me to build my career and as well, I will do its accounting at my own with my accounting experience.

Some friends might think I am still a slackly or floppy guy. Hmm… up to them whatever they want to say. I have no responsibility to explain to them and I have responsibility to make them to understand me. As enough as, I have my mother’s support.

2011, is the year for me to dash to get what I wanna to have!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


看看上一篇的日期 2009年8月28日
呵 一年了 一年沒寫了
要不是有人留言問我從哪裏來的 我想

一年的時間 好像發生了好多事
尤其是馬來西亞的政治 風波不斷

說真的 我的心情 沒有太大的起伏
種族問題 次等國民 從開國一直到現在好像都沒有辦法解決
呵呵 紅色兵就會隨後出現了
二話不説 先抓再説

因爲發生這麽多事情 好朋友也變得很激動
有點擔心 他被紅頭兵抓

是不是換了政府 情況就會變?
